
Words to Soothe and Inspire

How early motherhood may feel when you’re neurodivergent

I understand myself so much better now. Making the realisation that I’m Autistic at 52 made for quite an intense and emotional start to 2023. The penny-drop moments were frequent and many. Old friends went aha, yes, I see that. My kids and husband were kind and supportive with the occasional humorous, yet grounding dig.…

When We’re Anxious, We Abandon Our Bodies.

A big problem with feeling constantly anxious, is that we separate from our precious selves. We mentally check out and leave our five senses, intuition, logical reasoning and the present moment. The worrying thoughts take over and we forget to breathe, feel our feelings and notice the simple pleasures in life. For a person with…

October 2024 Forecast

Welcome to this energy forecast for October which includes a brief astrology summary, along with the message channelled by Tricia, from the guides. Astrology We sweep into October under the influence of an eclipse build-up and with a powerful grand trine in the water signs. Two weeks ago we had a powerful lunar eclipse in…

July 2024 Forecast

Welcome to this energy forecast for July which includes a brief astrology summary, along with the message channelled by Tricia, from the guides. Astrology I don’t know about you, but wowsers, what a ride we’ve been on since the solstice a week and a half ago. Having the full moon in Capricorn (our first of…

Why are we so triggered when someone says boundaries?

If we have boundaries, we can handle boundaries. But seriously, how triggering is that word for you? Especially in light of how our world is right now with all those hard borders, lockdowns, quarantines and mandates. What I’m talking about here, are personal boundaries that help us feel safe, respected and respectful to ourselves and…

Looking back at motherhood through an Autistic lens

I’d always wanted to be a mum but my concept of motherhood was very idealised and abstract. I was wholeheartedly disconnected from the harsher realities of raising children. And perhaps it was meant to be that way because the truth is, my mothering journey has been the most life-changing and spiritually expanding path I’ve trodden.…

Becoming a mum was my spiritual catalyst

If you’re sensitive, you’ll get this Look, I honestly thought I would have an average, comfortable life. That’s what I was aspiring to. An interesting and fulfilling career as a psychologist, a husband and two kids. A nice house and a holiday now and again. That’s it. Simple. Humble. Respectable. Oh my goodness, the universe…

Your Gifts Are Needed – Part Three

Ending the perfectionism and punishment cycle I’ve learned a thing or two about self care these last two decades. My anxiety, low self-worth, perfectionism, sponge-like empathy and high need for approval as a young adult saw me using deprivation and dissociation as tools for self-improvement and to feel safe. The way I controlled my inner…

May 2024 Forecast

Welcome to this energy forecast for May which includes a brief astrology summary, as well as the message channelled by Tricia, from the guides. Astrology Welcome to our fifth month of the year and Taurus and Gemini seasons. In most of May, we’ll notice a somewhat calmer energy than April, as the sun moves through…

January 2025 Forecast

Welcome to this energy forecast for January which includes a brief astrology summary, along with the message channeled by Tricia, from the guides. Astrology Welcome to 2025 and a nine numerology year. It’s a year of completions, community, new beginnings, humanitarianism, leadership, vision, acceptance and imperfect action. Nine represents the end of a cycle, because…