Chiron is the healer's teacher
Are you ready to take the next step on your path?
Chiron is the healer's teacher
Are you ready to take the next step on your path?
Join Tricia for an hour on Zoom to receive an energy healing and initiation from Chiron
When: Monday 22nd April 5.00pm (AWST) Perth, Western Australia (GMT+8)
Where: Zoom meeting (recorded)
What: Join fellow light-seekers and:
- Connect with the recently activated Chiron energies and discover how they support us as healer/helpers
- Learn the story of Chiron the wounded healer and align with the healing gifts he's here to offer us
- Upgrade your energy frequency to support your divine role and soul purpose
- Receive an energetic initiation and guidance on your personal gifts and how Chiron can be a supportive presence in your life
I can't wait to share this exciting experience with you!
Get your ticket for $27 AUD today
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