January 2025 Forecast

Welcome to this energy forecast for January which includes a brief astrology summary, along with the message channeled by Tricia, from the guides.


Welcome to 2025 and a nine numerology year. It’s a year of completions, community, new beginnings, humanitarianism, leadership, vision, acceptance and imperfect action.

Nine represents the end of a cycle, because in numerology, numbers are reduced to single digits and therefore, the number after nine is one!

Astrologically, this is a year of significant change for Earth with all three of the outer planets in our solar system changing signs. Pluto’s already entered Aquarius, setting the tone for this transformative new era. And as the year progresses, we’ll see Uranus shift from Taurus into Gemini and Neptune move from Pisces into Aries. These transits are significant because they are slow moving planets that spend many years in each sign.

If your astrological knowledge is limited, all you need to know is that big changes are underway and with the greater mental and physical activity stimulated by these planets arriving in fire and air signs, we’re going to need to manage our energy output and nervous systems to avoid burnout.

Let’s take a look at January’s astrology:

  • We begin the year under the energy of the Capricorn new moon on 31st December – a reflective, inward-focused and subdued lunation. Perfect for calmly taking measure of your experience of 2024 and pausing to receive insights about the coming year
  • Mars and Pluto move into an exact opposition on January 3rd – this aspect can be explosive, violent or dramatic but can also bring about sudden, needed change and rapid upleveling of our capacity to lead, initiate, assert our power and show independence
  • Venus spends January in Pisces where she is exalted, so we can use this time to focus on matters of love, partnership, beauty, the arts, creativity and connection
  • Mars is retrograde all month and shifts from Leo back into Cancer on January 6th – we may notice an internalising of anger, feeling more protective of our child-self or children, or more sensitivity around self-defense and avoidance of conflict
  • On the 12th January, the moon’s nodes move into Pisces and Virgo – with the north node in Pisces, we may receive insights about how we’re living that come from a higher perspective, which considers the needs of the collective rather than just our own
  • We have a full moon in Cancer on January 14th which is conjunct Mars, sextile Uranus and accompanied by Venus square Jupiter – this is a power-packed moon that may bring disagreements to a head and reveal deep feelings, perhaps prompting sudden endings
  • The sun moves into Aquarius on January 20th and we end the month with a new moon in Aquarius on January 29th which is trine Jupiter and occurring as Mercury conjoins Pluto, making for another potentially transformative lunation with lively communication, aided by wise Jupiter’s influence

This is a good month to start practicing daily moments of silence and stillness. Weave them into the newly acquired awareness you have of what your mind, body and nervous system truly needs to thrive and see it as basic self care.

Channeled Message for January

This guidance is channeled with an open heart and with no attachment to its value, or how it may be received. Please read it with the intention to absorb whatever is meaningful for you, and hold the words lightly, for they contain energetic frequencies beyond the meanings we ascribe.

Your Mother Mary is with this channel in service to you today, this day and always.

The gentleness of my love is what permeates your energy body now. Feel this love and know it is for you and without exception, will always be accessible from your heart. For it is only love that is truly needed. Your species has travelled far from this truth and now it is time to wholeheartedly return to your natural state of pure beingness.

I am so grateful for this opportunity to commune with you thus.

There is so much and yet, paradoxically, so little to say. The immensity of love available to you now is hard to describe and because your hearts have been closed down in modes of protection and guardedness for so long now – many generations – it is difficult for you to access the abundant flow. I understand and I know this feeling from experience. My remembered human existence of long past is what allows me to hold the deepest compassion for you – brave incarnated souls of this time.

The message I have holds the key to opening up to receive universal love more fully in your human lifetime. It is simple. Seek joy.

In order to feel joy, you must actively practice it. Shun judgement, criticism and complaint. Operate from your heart’s wisdom and intuition. Act on inspiration that whispers quietly. Fear not, you may trust this inner voice, for it will only speak gently and kindly. It can not be confused with the conditioned messaging of the mental mind which often speaks harshly and causes your body to tense, heart rate to rise. Learn to discern the difference and you will rise in your frequency and cause others to rise too.

Life is more simple than you have been led to believe dear one. Shed the concerns of the materialistic culture that operates as a giant tornado of pain, sweeping all in its path into confusion and cycles of striving, yearning and consuming that are empty of joy.

Return to the Great Mother – your divine Mother Earth – for she is awaiting your return. Her love, like mine is whole, unwavering and deep. Speak with her and all that comes from her, including your dearest physical self. Make her your keeper and confidant. She will be most delighted – for although you have forgotten, she asked that you come here and she’s supported and adored you from your first breath.

Thank you for receiving these coded words and my love. I am complete.

In service. We are one.

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Tricia Woods

Tricia Woods

Tricia Woods is a spiritual coach, channel and astrologer, living in Fremantle, Western Australia.