Your Gifts Are Needed – Part One

Where It All Began

I got into bed and sighed contentedly. A clear-as-a-bell thought landed, yes. But not just any yes. It was a wholehearted, full body, sweetly reassuring YES from my soul. I’d ended a long term relationship (for the third time) and I knew deep in my heart, it was the right thing to do. I felt calm, free, excited, brave and resolute. I was 22.

What happened not long after this was not in alignment with these feelings but hey, I was young, quite insecure, very naïve and still to heal my early conditioning. We got engaged, then married, then divorced. But that’s a story for another time. I forgive myself.

There’s this gift we all have. It’s been quietened down, hushed, admonished, ignored. You have it as strongly as I, but for many reasons, you may not know how to use it. Or more accurately perhaps, trust it. You weren’t born this way. We were all at some time, deeply connected to our intuitive wisdom. We’ve been educated and conditioned out of it and I’m certain we’ve had past lives where we paid a very high price for displaying our spiritual gifts. That time has passed. We’re safe now.

I’m now stepping more fully into the truth of that safety because I am needed. We are needed in our highest wisdom, intelligence, sensitivity and personal power. It’s time to trust our inner voice and what we sense, know, feel, see, hear and perceive to be true.

It’s time to uplevel

Let’s get to work. I want to share some of my story of discovering my intuitive abilities and support you with some practical steps to begin using yours more purposefully and confidently.

I’ve always been sensitive. You and me both right? If you’ve be in my world of late, you’ll know I identify with being Autistic and that I’ve linked my expression of this neurotype with having spiritual gifts. Being highly emotionally and physically sensitive heightens my spiritual connection. It may be the same for you. If you’re still reading, I guess that’s a yes.

I experienced my first clear sign that I could receive channeled messages, healing energy, visions and signs, plus connect with past life figures, people who’ve passed on, ascended masters, angels and inter-galactic beings when I was 33.

It was early in my second pregnancy and I was stretched out in relaxation at the end of a yoga class. My mind was wandering and drifting in the dimmed, cool room. I wasn’t asleep. And then suddenly, a clear statement dropped into my mind. It said: Hello little girl. From that moment, I knew I was having a girl. The spoken words felt separate from me but for me. They felt clear, warm and loving and I never really explored ‘who’ might have said those words. It didn’t occur to me at the time.

This was only the absolute beginning. A tiny little moment really, and it was years before I began trusting myself as a channel for messages and healing for others.

A new era is dawning

Authenticity and vulnerability have become increasingly powerful buzz words in the mental health and personal development sphere (thanks Brene). And you know why? It’s because when we’re in close contact with our true selves, we have better health, relationships, finances, happiness and fulfillment.

For me, a big part of being authentic is partnering with my intuitive abilities as a channel for higher guidance. It’s simply who I am. People often ask, from where does this guidance come? I actually don’t know. I think of what comes through as variously: my higher self, Spirit, Angelic codes, light codes, sound frequencies, intergalactic light languages, Ascended Masters, spirit guides, ancestors, past life figures, nature and, Mother Earth herself. Once our channel is clear and we trust it, we open up and tune in like a radio antenna. We then learn how to get specific with our requests and become clear and intentional with our inner and spoken language.

What I find these days, especially when I’m working with a spiritual mentoring client, is that I’m made aware of what would like to be shared in each moment and I’ve come to understand that what comes through is perfect for that person on that day.

The power in being a channel for guidance and healing lies first in healing ourselves and aligning with our highest paths and secondly, in creatively expressing that which flows through us as a conduit for humanity to evolve. Put simply, to allow ourselves to be of service.

This article is part one of a three-part series. In parts two and three, I’ll share more detail about how to be a clear channel and the steps we can take to refine our energy to be able to receive clearly and safely.

NEW WORKSHOP: I’d love to invite you to join me for a flowing, experiential three hour online workshop on Saturday 25th January. In Your Body is a Messenger you’ll get a deeply healing opportunity to connect with your inner wisdom and create a new kind of relationship with your body and Mother Earth. CLICK HERE for more details.

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Tricia Woods

Tricia Woods

Tricia Woods is a spiritual coach, channel and astrologer, living in Fremantle, Western Australia.