From Muscle Testing to Inner Knowing
I was standing at the pantry door, little finger and thumb tips pressed together to perform a muscle test. The question was clear in my mind. Which homeopathic remedy would benefit A (five year-old daughter), please give me a change of indicator. My eyes landed on the vials of homeopathic pilules one at a time, waiting to get an answer. Typically, the finger and thumb would involuntarily separate on the correct remedy. And then… nothing, a feeling of confusion. Had I lost my connection to the information that usually flowed in? Then I heard a voice say, “You already know.”
People are often curious about how I do what I do. Until now, I’ve resisted explaining it. Not because I don’t want to give away my secrets. Mostly it’s due to having no clear idea of how to articulate it so that it makes sense. It’s a very internal and personal experience which has evolved, very slowly, over a twenty year period.
So here goes. I’m going to try to describe how I function as a person dedicated to living from intuitive wisdom. The truth is, I’m in a constant dialogue with my inner voice and my body. To me, they’re one and the same. Let’s begin with a basic but essential daily experience such as choosing what to have for breakfast. Not instantly sure? I ask inwardly. I get an upward surge of energy in my solar plexus area for ‘yes’ and a draining downwards or empty feeling for ‘no’. I simply think, muesli and receive a response. If it’s yes, I go no further, if it’s no I might think, eggs, response – nope. Hmm, avocado on toast? I keep going until I get a ‘yes’ feeling. This is my life and, it takes three or four seconds, very quick.
First, I followed a whim
Maybe I should back it up a bit and tell you how I got to this state of connection and trust in my body. It began properly in 2007 when I studied Touch for Health kinesiology for a year.
I was feeling disconnected from my professional life as a psychologist and eager to move in a new career direction. Our kids were turning five and three and I was feeling ready to have a meaningful working life to focus on again. It was my husband who suggested I study kinesiology and serendipitously, my very own kinesiologist, Jill had decided to run the training for the first time in years.
It wasn’t as though it was a burning ambition but I certainly loved the modality and had a passion for complimentary therapies. So, in I leapt. That very first day when we learnt how to muscle test, I was captivated. It was a full body YES! And I proceeded to drink in the teachings and find chances to practice on family and friends.
A year later I was seeing one or two people a week for balances and growing as a conduit for healing. Simultaneously, I completed an online course in homeopathy, attended my first Australian Bush Flower Essence workshop and began using the essences with myself, family and clients.
I was also voraciously reading books such as The Breakthrough Experience by John Demartini, The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman. Plus there was new way of learning that I loved! Webinars and online summits! Oh my goodness, the content I soaked up on everything from the mind body connection to Pleiadian light language. I was introduced to people like Gary Zukav, Joe Dispenza, Esther and Jerry Hicks, Byron Katie and Jon Kabat-Zinn.
All change begins in tiny moments
Back to that day in the kitchen. I paused and realised that beneath the physical signal of the muscle test, there’d been this yes/no feeling in my body. I was being challenged to begin relying on that inner voice/sensation. To go straight to the source.
If it wasn’t for my new friend, healer and mentor, Joanne, and the power of flower essences, I wouldn’t be writing this now because I’m telling you, it took me years to trust this inner knowing. I actually felt like running away from it half the time. But then, Universe gave me two house moves, the second of which was to a completely new community in the country, and just enough clients each week to test out my skills and eventually, in 2012, I felt I was getting somewhere.
By then, I’d ditched the massage table and most of the Touch for Health protocols and turned to my counselling skills to provide spiritual guidance and energy healing with my hands, based purely on channelled messages. That’s when things got interesting and my skill set took another leap forward…
I hope you’re enjoying this read. Stay tuned for part three in just a few days and have a think about joining me on Zoom for a healing and connecting three hour workshop on Saturday the 25th January.
In Your Body is a Messenger, you’ll get an amazing opportunity to experience your body connection in ways you’ve never imagined before and get to know your higher self/inner wisdom more deeply.
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